This event is now cancelled.
from ASMP New England –
“We know what you’re thinking: sigh, another program on social media? The perils in social media are many: ineffective use of time, overwhelming by nature, no real connections, and frankly just feeling like a complete waste of time. But, that’s not always the case; and there are many photographers using social media to their advantage building online audiences which can get their work elevated to new levels of exposure and success.
Local digital strategist Meighan O’Toole will provide insight and clarity in how photographers can and are using social media in meaningful and actionable ways. Meighan advocates refreshing ideas such as using only a few platforms well rather than many poorly, dedicating specific scheduled time for social media, and offers easy workflow hacks to save you time. You’ve got the photos and stories; let Meighan show you how to get the most out of them online.
In today’s world, technology has drastically changed the way we find information, work, and connect with others. It has also completely revamped the landscape for photographers developing their own professional career. Gone are the days of being discovered; it’s in your hands to build your own following, network with galleries, publications, peers, and collectors, as well as continue to create jobs, opportunities, and sales as career photographers.
Meighan will outline how photographers can best use social media, technology, and a web presence to further their career and opportunities. She’ll offer examples of professional photographers who are using social media in dynamic and compelling ways, give an overview on the top social media sites, and encourage you to share your questions and experiences throughout the talk.
A Think Tank bag will be part of the silent auction.”