Photo Classes, Walks & Workshops
After learning “the basics” of digital photography, become more comfortable in the world of digital photography by taking the next step.
Understanding composition in the field can make or break a photograph. Many photographers want to show off their creativity through their photography. The more elements of composition one builds into their repertoire, the greater the depth of options that will be available to the photographer. Beyond the Basics: Composition in Photography discusses those creative options, as well as tips on how to pull it off in the field. While our Beginner class scratches the surface of composition, our Beyond the Basics class goes over in-depth different elements of composition.
Understanding composition is a necessity to improving your flexibility when photographing in a variety of situations. This course is designed to help you feel more comfortable about how to frame your photographic vision in those situations. It is recommended as a follow-up to our Beginner Photography course.
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