Photo Classes, Walks & Workshops
Friday November 8th, 11am-3pm • Hunt’s Photo, Melrose
The Sigma fp camera is a game changer. It is the world’s smallest and lightest “pocketable full-frame” camera. Meant bridge photographic gaps combining photography, video and cinematography, it’s a camera that offers superior performance, a wide range of lenses, high portability and the highest image quality. Come and meet the fp, experience all it has to offer with a hands-on experience. We’ve got experts to walk you through the camera and how it works, it’s features and benefits and how it fits your particular photographic style, needs, goals and aspirations. Please join us at Hunt’s Photo in Melrose for an afternoon of fp demonstration on November 8th, 11am-3pm.
Registration is not required but is appreciated!
Let us know you’re coming!