Friday Sept 14th at the Museum of Science & North Point Park, 5-10pm
Saturday Sept 15th Hunt’s Photo, Melrose 9am-1pm
Recommended prerequisite: Basic knowledge of your camera; tripod; interest in printing
All Skill Levels Welcome
Instructors: Don Toothaker & Paul Nelson
Group Size: Limited to 12 attendees
Printing your photos will make you a better photographer. The first step to creating a great print is by understanding how to create a great photograph in the field.
Capture-To-Print is an intermediate workshop that focuses not only on photography, but also editing and printing! Half photo walk, half editing and printing, we will take you through the whole process–from Capture to Print— to demonstrate what is important in the field, how to effectively process photos, and why printing is a necessity.
For our second Capture to Print Workshop, we will begin by photographing scenes at sunset and blue hour atop the Museum of Science rooftop, then continue around the vicinity, including North Point Park. We will follow it up the next day with a processing and image review session, along with the creation of a print for every attendee (13″x 19″) at Hunt’s Photo, Melrose.
The process of printing is extremely important to developing one’s photographic vision. Even the best quality of monitors are significantly lacking in the fine detail that prints can provide, and prints do not hide your mistakes! Our image review will also help us all understand what it is that we “saw” in the field, and our instructors will help you edit using Lightroom techniques, including basic adjustments, color adjustments, black and white processing, image sharpening, and more!
If you are attending this walk, we will send out more specific instructions to you a few days prior to the walk. Please note: Some slight details above can be subject to change. This email will detail any of those minor changes.
Please read Hunt’s Terms & Conditions before signing up.
Attendees should have:
Digital Camera and Lens
Memory Card
Suggested Items Attendees should have:
Various lenses
Extra memory cards
Extra camera battery