Sunday September 27th, 7-9pm EST • Online • During this webinar we will highlight some of Boston’s more compelling neighborhoods, visual focal points in and around the city, and share other tidbits of information that makes Boston a fantastic destination for photographers of all skill sets.
Online: Panel Discussion- Finding Inspiration with Hunt’s Photo Education (Free!)
Tuesday September 1st, 7-9pm EST • Online! • Who and what inspires them and what do they use to push the limits of their photography? What do you do when there’s nothing to photograph? How can a day-trip turn into a photographic treasure trove?
Online: Lessons from the Field (Updated and Revised) with Don Toothaker
Saturday August 29th, 7-9pm EST • Online • Updated and Revised! Both photography and life are filled with many challenges. Join Hunt’s Photo Education as we discuss some of Lessons from the Field, that help the photographer meet and exceed those expectations.