Melrose, MA
Thursday, September 7th • 6:00-8:00pm
with Fuji Tech Rep John Haggerty & Phottix Lighting Rep Ray Nason
All are Welcome!
If you’ve never put your hands on the highly-touted Fuji GFX Medium Format SLR, let Hunt’s Photo, Phottix Lighting, & Fujifilm show you what all the fuss is about at this hands-on demo! At this event, Fuji tech rep John Haggerty will have on hand five of the Fuji medium format lenses, their tilt adapter, battery grip, and Hasselblad adapter to test out with the system. During this demo, we will also have a Phottix lighting setup and a model to test out the gear. Come test out this new system with us for a fun & photographic evening! (Don’t forget to bring a memory card to save test images!)