Being hands-on with your photography is the best way to learn and have a good time.

There, I said it. Many photographers—myself included—theorize about photography. We discuss at great length what makes the best image and how to achieve it, through the best gear, lighting, etc. It is important to talk about photography, but when developing as a photographer, one needs the experience in the field to gain a passion. Being hands-on with your photography is the best way to learn about photography and have a good time.

Over the next two months, we have a great lineup of hands-on classes. We have four Hunt’s Photo Walks (The North End; Plimoth Plantation; Mt. Auburn Cemetery; Boston After Dark), two Lighting classes (Lighting with Speedlights Workshop with Scott Levine; Rick Friedman’s Location Lighting Weekend Extravaganza), and a number of other engaging courses designed to inspire you to become more involved with your photography. Feel free to peruse our course list– We hope we will get to see you for some of them!
We are also very excited that portrait and wedding photographer Hanson Fong will be coming to speak here on May 2nd, presenting his “Classic 10 Poses” as part of his talk “Lookin’ Good! Click!“. This seminar is free of charge, courtesy of Canon!
Finally, whether we see you or not in the next few months, make sure you engage yourself with photography. Challenge yourself to go out and take pictures every day, even of that which seems mundane. Often times, those moments can produce amazing results.
-Paul Nelson
Education Coordinator
Hunt’s Photo and Video