Thursday, September 14th, 7-8pm • Hunt’s Photo Melrose
Presenter: Shawn Carey
Iceland abounds in natural splendor: Waterfalls and glaciers, panoramic views and otherworldly landscapes. It is a land of Northern Lights and midnight sun. And it is the realm of one of the world’s most charming and iconic birds: the Atlantic Puffin.
But Iceland is home to much more. During the summer months, Iceland’s round-the-clock sunlight draws in a panoply of birds: Razorbills and guillemots, phalaropes and godwits, plovers and terns, all accompany the puffins in nesting frenzy. Come along with wildlife photographer and Mass Audubon instructor Shawn Carey as he shares images, videos and stories from his journey across Iceland, from the island of Flatey, to the bird cliffs of Latabarg, to the Reykjavik peninsula. Along the way, we’ll meet Black-tailed Godwits, Arctic Terns, Red-necked Phalaropes, Black Guillemots, and many others. We’ll visit fjords, mountains, grasslands, and lava fields. And we’ll come face-to-face with Atlantic Puffins. So join us as we explore the wildlife and wonder of Iceland and discover why it’s a place no photographer should miss.
About Shawn Carey:
Shawn P. Carey (Migration Productions) produce bird/wildlife related Multi-media Presentations that have been presented at many natural history events all over the United States.
Biographical information: Shawn Carey moved for his home in Erie, Pennsylvania October 1986 to Cambridge and started watching birds in 1988. Already with an interest in photography and now birds Shawn began to combine the two in 1991. By 1994 he and good friend Jim Grady started Migration Productions as a way to present their multi-image slide presentations to a live audience. Migration Productions has been presenting programs to birding organizations, natural history events and camera clubs since 1994. (Mass. Audubon, ABA, Manomet, HMANA, Eastern Mass Hawk Watch and many local bird clubs). Migration Productions offers the finest quality bird/wildlife programs with stunning photographs, video, sound tracks, and interviews with many people that are involved with bird watching. Shawn’s photographs have been published in the New York Times, Boston Globe, Science magazine, Mass Audubon Sanctuary Magazine and Hawk Mountain Sanctuary just to name a few.
In 1997 he started teaching bird photography workshops (Fundamentals of Bird Photography) for the Massachusetts Audubon Society.
Full time job: Operations Manager AVFX (Boston, Mass.)
Member of:
Massachusetts Audubon (Advisory Council)
Mass Audubon Museum of American Bird Art (Advisory Board)
Eastern Mass Hawk Watch (Vice President)
Goldenrod Foundation (Advisory Board)
Nutall Ornithological Club (past Council member)
Brookline Bird Club (past Council member)
Shawn P. Carey
Migration Productions