Tuesday evening (9/2) the crew and I head out for Photoshop World in Las Vegas! After the plane landed we head straight for the Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino, where immediately after check-in, we all enjoyed a Vegas style buffet at the Bayside Buffet – amazing food.
First thing in the morning, the crew and I got to work, setting up the booth and organizing all of the great photography products we brought out to the show. We brought a huge variety of cameras and accessories this year, including everything from the highly anticipated Pentax 645z 50mp medium format camera, to the Panasonic GH4 4K video machine, DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ helicopter drone, and the very exciting moving image software, Flixel, all on demo!
For a full list of Photoshop World special pricing, click here.
Participating in trade shows is a great way to gauge what types of products are popular and how we can greater cater to our customers. Going off of yesterday alone (9/2), Rogue Flashbenders, Mefoto tripods, and Tether Tools products have all been very popular. I’m very interested to see how, or if things change over the next few days!
Speaking of MeFoto, kudos to our friends at MAC Group, Barry Burnstein, Ray Nason, and Jeff Lazell, for all of the hard work they have put into this show with us. Always a pleasure to work with you guys.
With such a busy day I didn’t know if I was going to make it to the evening festivities without falling asleep! Luckily, it was worth it. I was invited to the Photo Focus meet and greet party, where I got to hangout with another great friend, Robert Vanelli. Such an exciting day! Big thanks to Rich Harrington and Melissa Niu from Photo Focus for the invitation and for putting on such a great event.
Check out Robert Vanelli’s blog post from that evening featuring Hunt’s own, Keith Patankar!
Blog post -> Make your Vacation Cell Phone Photos Better
Midnight Madness
Midnight Madness is always such a great time. This year I went down with Vanelli, and madness it was. Lots of familiar faces, some of which hosting the event; Scott Kelby, Matt Kloskowski, and RC Concepcion. What a better group to get the crowd going and put on a show! A big thank you for all the work you guys do with these events. H’ordearves for the evening were Krispy Kreme donuts, or several, and it was time to show our appreciation with some Hunt’s Photo gift card giveaways! Thank you to everyone at Midnight Madness, it was a blast.

After Midnight Madness, Vanelli and I head over towards a penthouse after party! It sounds like fun and games, and it was to an extent, but it was great hanging out and meeting new people. Shout out to Levi, Mark, Melissa, Doug, Rich, and Vanelli! So much fun, I hope to be in touch with you all very soon, hopefully a little earlier in the day.
6am came awful early the second day of Photoshop World, after only 3 hours sleep the night before! Luckily, I had my team to have everything setup and ready to go by 8am for the show. Much busier than day one! Once it started to quiet down a bit, I had a few Hunt’s Photo guys, Chris Gilmore and Matt Modica, go around and interview some of the vendors to get the scoop on soon-to-come products for the holiday season. Look for those and more as soon as we launch our Youtube channel within the next few weeks.
Heading Home
Photoshop world finished with a bang! The peak hours of the last day were the busiest I saw it all weekend and it was very exciting. After the traffic died down, exhaustion set in. We decided to pack up and start our journey towards the airport. Our whole booth was broken down in record time, around 2 hours, all packed and ready to go!

Photoshop World this year was amazing, and my crew agrees. We had such a great time, as busy and hectic as it was, but we were glad to be heading back towards Boston.
Next year, Photoshop World will only be one event so don’t miss it! It will be in Las Vegas August 10th-13th 2015, better than ever!
Are you heading out to the PDN Photoplus Expo in New York City? If so, visit Hunt’s Photo at booth #474. We will see you there!