Join us at Hunt’s Photo for our 2019 Spring Imaging Expo & Sale on May 10th & 11th!
The weekend will include FREE educational seminars, exclusive sales and instant savings, hands-on product demonstrations with many of our factory reps, and event pricing on all cameras & lenses.
This is a great time to come together with your friends at Hunt’s Photo, to stop in and say hello, sit in on a few great presentations, and check out some great new products!
Below, you will find registration information for the seminars. For more information on the sales and other goings-on, click here!
Friday May 10th
10-11am: Landscapes 101, with Nikon: Join Nikon tech rep Tony Krup as he walks you through some of the basics of Landscape Photography. Including in his discussion will be an introduction to composition, framing, and which lenses and accessories work best for amazing landscapes.
11am-12pm: Intro to Travel Photography: It is important to have both the technical understanding of our cameras as well as the creative ideas to produce images that stand out of the crowd. In this Intro to Travel Photography seminar, we will cover topics such as understanding our cameras controls, what gear may suit you, as well as how to compose and capture great travel images.
12-1pm: Navigating the twists and turns of Aviation Photography: Join Sigmas Tech Rep Marc Farb for a simplified lesson on shooting airshows and general aviation. Marc will show and tell how to get great images of jets and prop planes of all genres. He will show how to get the proper exposure as well as composition. He will talk techniques and settings that will make sense and work for all brand cameras and all skill levels. He will also show and tell about lens suggestions for great image composition.
1-2pm: Capturing the Soul of your Subject in a Portrait with Rick Gerrity: Join Panasonic/Lumix Global Ambassador Rick Gerrity as he explains how to get your subject to be relaxed while creating a memorable natural portrait.
The objective in this presentation is to establish common ground with your subject. Once this is achieved your subject can be themselves and not be nervous. He will discuss gear and settings used to create his images. This approach works on friends, family and total strangers as well.
2-3pm: What to Shoot When There’s Nothing to Shoot:
There are plenty of classes to teach you how to shoot. Very few classes teach you what and why to shoot. What to Shoot When There’s Nothing to Shoot will look at concepts like Self Assignments and Shooting on Spec along with Places and Objects to shoot that you may never have thought of before.
3-4pm: Choosing the Right Lens… with Sony: In this seminar, we will talk about sensor size as it relates to lenses and cover the basics of focal length, aperture, and primes vs zooms and what it all means to help select the right lens for you.
5-6pm: RAW vs JPEG: What is RAW? … Who should use it?… Why should I use it over JPEG? Which one is better? These are the questions asked since the RAW file format was first introduced. Every major camera manufacturer uses them and in this in-depth session with Hunt’s Instructor, Otha Sonnie, you will learn the answers, plus get a full understanding of the pro’s and con’s of using each.
Saturday May 11th
9-11am: Portraits: Natural & Flash with Bobbi Lane & Lee Varis: The photographer’s challenge in creating a compelling portrait involves both creative and technical concepts combined in a way that evokes meaning and impact.
Good lighting techniques, along with posing, tonalities, mood, expression, camera angles and backgrounds must harmonize to create a successful photographic portrait. In this two hour seminar, photographers Bobbi & Lee will demonstrate techniques for working with subjects in natural light, and when to add in a flash. If the weather allows, we will go outside and demonstrate using reflectors and flash!
Bobbi & Lee will be teaching a workshop the following weekend (, and this is an excellent opportunity to see what you’d be learning in action!
11am-12pm: Discovering Small Town America, with photographer Rick Gerrity: Over the past 460,762 miles, Rick Gerrity has had the pleasure of meeting some extraordinary people from small towns all around the USA.
In this presentation, he will take you on a photographic journey that will give you a sense of reality that exists throughout America.
Rick’s goal in any presentation is to get all attendees involved and field questions about how the images were made and the story behind each. “A photo without a story is just a photo.” As a professional photographer, he’s inspired every minute of every day for the past 40 years and counting! Please join us for this virtual Road Trip.
12-1pm: Rocking the event! Learning about event and Concert photography with Marc Farb and Sigma Working events and trying to shoot concerts are very challenging because of conditions and equipment. Join Sigma tech rep Marc Farb while he helps explains some tips tricks and equipment suggestions for shooting concerts and events. Learn about exposure tricks, what to do about noisy images and what lenses work best for the task at hand.
1-2pm: Nikon on Nikkor Lenses!:
Ever wonder what all those letters and numbers mean on your NIKKOR lens? This class will explain it all and give you the knowledge on how to select your next perfect lens.
2-3pm: Birds to Butterflies- Capturing Great Nature Shots with Olympus: Join Olympus as they share some tips and tricks on how to get the most effective photographs of nature, from Birds to Butterflies!
3-4pm: Sports and Music with photographer Gene Szucs Join NYC Sports and Music photographer Gene Everett Szucs for a unique discussion on sports and music photography, sponsored by Sony Alpha. Learn how to create a narrative from moments that pass us by, from arenas to little league, with today’s latest mirrorless camera systems.
4-5pm: Travel & Storytelling with Tamron:Travel and storytelling go hand in hand. No matter the destination, mode of transportation, or style of travel, you always return home with a story. Travel photography is often rooted in the newness of a place, calling us to capture that sense of adventure through our cameras. During this travel and storytelling seminar, we will learn how to better find and tell these stories through our own lens. Time to think outside of the box and get creative!
5-6pm: Photographing on Safari in Tanzania with Don Toothaker:
Join Hunt’s Photo Director of Adventures Don Toothaker as he discusses the experience of going on safari in the Serengeti in Tanzania. Don will share his experiences and images from the trip and discuss his plans for future trips, starting with our next trip in January 2020. This seminar is strongly recommended for those interested in attending any future safari!