On the weekend of Earth Day—April 22nd-24th—Hunt’s Education hosted our first ever Virtual Photo Walk, a fun way to encourage our Hunt’s Photo Walkers to participate in photography and conservation awareness. We chose seven assigned topics to be photographed—Blooming, Colorful, Damage, Texture, Nature, Green & the Human Element. While every photograph was to be a reflection of the environment, in one way, shape or form, individual interpretation of the topics were left to the photographer. All were assigned to photograph any or all of these topics during the weekend and submit their best work in each category.
Also during this weekend, Hunt’s Education led a specific Photo Walk to Maudslay State Park in Newburyport. Any photographer not on the walk could participate in the virtual aspect of the walk remotely. This virtual concept was meant to push people to get out and photograph with specific parameters and deadlines. Success! In the end, we had numerous photographers participating from multiple locations at different points on the weekend.
These collected images document a point in time, varying levels of interpretation, and an assortment of impressions of our environment.
We would like to thank all those who participated for your motivation and inspiration. We are truly humbled and proud.