Wildlife & Conservation Photography
with Ossian Lindholm
Thu June 23rd 6-8pm
Hunt’s Photo, Melrose, MA
Recommended Prerequisite: none
Have you always wanted to know the secrets of professional wildlife photographers? How do they perfectly capture the colors on a hummingbird’s wing? What are the correct settings for a jaguar roaming in the late afternoon light? Finally, what are some ways that your wildlife photographs can help promote conserving the world’s precious wildlife?
Renowned Argentinian nature photographer and documentary filmmaker Ossian Lindholm will cover the basic and advanced techniques of gear, specific wildlife settings and scouting wildlife locations. He will teach you how to think about composition and lighting when capturing animals in the wild.
Drawing lessons from his 40 years of observing and photographing in Argentina, Peru, Brazil and Chile, Ossian will discuss the complex process behind his breathtaking wildlife photographs. You’ll learn: what it takes to be a great wildlife photographer, how to get to know your subject, how to capture wildlife in their natural environment, the best places to find animals and the importance of respecting wildlife and wildlife ethics. You’ll also learn about the photo conservation projects in Ibera (Argentina), Pantanal (Brazil) and Torres Del Paine (Chile) that Ossian is involved with
Ossian’s lifelong mission, Para Conservar, Primero hay que conocer (To conserve, first you must know), has been a driving force in his work and in his talk he will discuss the role of learning about animals and nature through photography, the role of Conservation Photography in protecting our planet and how your photographs can raise awareness and be an agent for positive change in our fragile world.
If you have a passion for nature and outdoor photography and want to better capture the spirit of wildlife with your camera or just love seeing brilliant photographs of the some of the our world’s most wonderful creatures, then join Ossian for this inspiring and educational seminar. To find out more about Ossian, visit http://www.ossian.com.ar/
Ossian conducts photography workshops in South America under Travel Vision Photography Journeys. http://www.ciclismoclassico.com/travel-vision-photo-journeys/
This evening’s event is being brought to you by Lauren Hefferon, Director and Founder of Ciclismo Classico: The Leaders in The World’s Best Bicycle Vacations since 1989 and Travel Visions Photo Journeys.